Sunday, September 27, 2009

The New Priests

The priest at our new parish—I attended the first daily mass over which he presided Friday— is of that group of new young priests I have been reading about who are very connected to the traditions of the Church, having grown up and become priests through the papacy of John Paul II and Benedict XVI, and what a wondrous future is in store for our American Church if this priest is the norm for all new priests.

The parish response was significant as the seats were full—I’ve rarely seen that in daily mass except for a day of obligation—and the sense that here is a priest fully in tune with Rome is validated in his homily when he mentions that when in doubt look to Rome; the lesson I learned shortly after conversion when what I was reading from the American bishops was often at odds with what I was reading in the Catechism.

And we are also hearing of a rejuvenation of the teaching from the American bishops as they begin the long ascent from the long descent of the sexual abuse trials; and though the devil will always strike against the Church and though there will always be priests who bend to him and the world, the eternal and steadfast strength of the Church's truth will shine through in the words, faith, and teaching of her ever new priests.